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Go Happy Cup -- Playing Go Is So Fun!

The Seventh Enlighten Cup Youth Go Tournament (2019)


Sunday, March 24, 2019


1921 Clarinda Way, San Jose, CA 95124 (Enlighten Chinese School) Tel: (408)377-2888

Entry Requirement

All youth players under 21 years of age are eligible.

Registration Fee

19x19 Board: $40.00

13x13 Board: $30.00


Mail the registration form and check before March 18, 2019
Joe Lee, 1045 N. 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112

Online registration

Email with the following registration information to and pay registration fee through PayPal when contacted via email:
Name: ________
Address: ________
Cell: ________
Email: ________
Age: ________
Sex: ________
Board: 19X19 or 13X13
Rank if 19X19: ________


Joe Lee, Tel (408)255-5117, Email:
Wenguang Wang, Tel (408)396-1637, Email:

Tournament Play

19x19 Board (4 Games) and 13x13 board (4 games). All players will play even games (no handicap). They will be divided into different groups according to their level. There will be 7.5 points komi for the19x19 games (Black 185 Stones Win), and 5 points komi for the 13x13 games (Block 87 stones win). The players who do not show up for games within 15 minuts of the appointed time will forfeit their games.

Tournament Schedule

19x19: 9:30AM-10:00AM Registration, 10:00AM-3:00PM Game 1-4
13x13: 9:00AM-9:30AM Registration, 9:30PM-12:00PM Game 1-4


All player will be awarded with prizes and trophies.

Sponsored By

Enlighten Chinese School, Bay Area Youth Go Club, Santa Clara Youth Go Club

Organized By

Bay Area Youth Go Club - Joe Lee
Santa Clara Youth Go Club - Wenguang Wang, Yanping Zhao
Evergreen Group Co. Ltd, Ping Yeh
Donations are welcome. web site is sponsored by Santa Clara Youth Go Club.
Go Happy Cup is sponsored by American Go Association Sunnyvale Chapter, American Go Foundation, Bay Area Go Players Association, and Santa Clara Youth Go Club.