
2008 MorningStar Happy Cup Youth Go Tournament
Do your kids like playing Go game?
Join our Happy Cup Tournament to have tons of fun!
- A trophy for each kid attending the tournament!
- Prizes for all kids playing the games!
- A free ice cream party for all kids and parents after the tournament!
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Date & Time: May 31, 2008 (Saturday) 1:30-5:30PM
Location: MorningStar Chinese School (Building D, 890 Pomeroy Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95051)
Entry Requirements: Elementary school students or younger
Registration Fee: $15/player
Tournament play: 13x13 board. Each player plays 5 games.
Awards: Prizes for playing the games. A trophy for each kid playing all 5 games, win or
Contact: Wenguang Wang 408-396-1637 or wayne.wang.ca@gmail.com
Registration closes on May 9, 2008 or after 32 players registered
Register now before the spaces are taken!
Registration Form
In order to lower the registration fee and use the most money to buy trophies and prizes for kids, this event calls for parent volunteers. Please indicate what you would like to help in the registration form. Thanks!
Register before: 5/9/2008
Player Name: _____________________________________________
Parent Name: ______________________________________________
Phone: __________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________
Volunteer as:
__ Referee
__ Score recorder
__ Registration table helper
__ Prize table helper
__ Photo taker
__ Video recorder
__ Book table helper
__ Ice scream table helper
Registration Fee: $15/player
You can register by email or by mail
- Register by email: email the registration information (including the volunteering information) and use PayPal to pay the registration fee to: wayne.wang.ca@gmail.com
- Register by mail: make check payable to Wenguang Wang and mail the registration form and check to: Wenguang Wang, 340 Richfield Dr #1, San Jose, CA 95129
Sponsored by: Yanping Zhao, Wenguang Wang, Mingjiu Jiang, MorningStar Chinese School
Organized by: Yanping Zhao, Wenguang Wang and MorningStar Chinese School